Thursday 12 July 2007

School Update

Today I had a meeting with Harry's teacher to discuss how he is getting on. She tells me from the tests I mentioned previously that:

Reading (Harry jumped 6 grades, not 2 which I originally thought, because each grade is separated A,B,C,)
Writing - jumped 3 grades
Maths - he jumped 2 grades

The average jump in a year is 1.5 grades, so this is amazing.

Remembering also, that in Year 3, he did not do papers in reading or writing because it was felt it would affect his confidence. He was scored "below level" in spelling (getting only 2 marks) and in maths (getting 5 marks).

Year 4 was slightly better, but he was still scored "below level".

In his Annual School Report, he was below age appropriate for English, but the teacher commented it was only his writing that was letting him down, so this is an area I will try to work on during the summer.

She also commented that he was throwing himself into ALL PE activities and that he is so good, all the other kids now want him on their team!

Even the teacher had to admit that "everything is coming together for him now" and that the exercises MUST be helping. This is all before mentals as well. Wow!


Math's Mam said...

Well there's no arhuing with those results-it is most definitly working. Harry must be so proud. Has he told you he is getting picked first for all the teams?

Bugalug said...

No - hasn't mentioned it at all. It's also rather frustrating to realise that had I NOT asked for the meeting with the teacher (parent's discretion), I would still be none the wiser with all Harry's achievements!