Monday 23 July 2007

4th Assessment

What a difference to the last assessment. Here is the print-out. I've added the assessment done previously so you can compare! Also, Harry looking like he's being strangled on the balance machine!

Saturday 21 July 2007

Low point?

Over the past week, it has been difficult to motivate Harry to do his exercises. I am assuming it is because he is so tired from school. He has been messing about as much as he can to avoid getting down to them, and not really concentrating whilst doing them - so I'm really looking forward to Monday's assessment and hope it will "get him going again".

Thursday 12 July 2007

School Update

Today I had a meeting with Harry's teacher to discuss how he is getting on. She tells me from the tests I mentioned previously that:

Reading (Harry jumped 6 grades, not 2 which I originally thought, because each grade is separated A,B,C,)
Writing - jumped 3 grades
Maths - he jumped 2 grades

The average jump in a year is 1.5 grades, so this is amazing.

Remembering also, that in Year 3, he did not do papers in reading or writing because it was felt it would affect his confidence. He was scored "below level" in spelling (getting only 2 marks) and in maths (getting 5 marks).

Year 4 was slightly better, but he was still scored "below level".

In his Annual School Report, he was below age appropriate for English, but the teacher commented it was only his writing that was letting him down, so this is an area I will try to work on during the summer.

She also commented that he was throwing himself into ALL PE activities and that he is so good, all the other kids now want him on their team!

Even the teacher had to admit that "everything is coming together for him now" and that the exercises MUST be helping. This is all before mentals as well. Wow!

Monday 9 July 2007

Feedback from School

Last week I emailed the school Senco thanking her for all the help she has given Harry during this year. I received her reply today:

I've seen a huge difference in Harry too. He is more sociable, plays well with the other children in the playground and his coordination is greatly improved. He is also more enthusiastic about his work and willing to try things. Good news for next year lets hope.

It is good to hear that the progress I have seen at home is also having a positive effect at school too.

Wednesday 4 July 2007

School Report & May Test Results

Just received Harry's school report. He has made good progress this year (mostly since starting Dore) and his teacher commented on his improved organisation of late. His reading level has jumped a few grades (from a level 2C in Year 4 to a current Level 4C). You'll see with his writing, he was only 1 mark away from a 3B! He is still struggling with the main subjects, but is showing good effort. I am confident these will improve next year (Year 6 - final year @ Primary School). We have just heard that Harry's teacher for next year is a good one. So watch this space for further improvement! I have scanned in the test results from Year 4 and this year, Year 5.

Also his age standardised score last year was below the national average, but this year he has scored in the national average range.

Monday 2 July 2007

Sitting still on the ball

Our current exercise is sitting on the ball, eye-tracking with the poster. Part of this exercise is to remain perfectly still for 30 seconds after the eye-tracking - eyes open AND closed.

We tried a similar exercise some time ago, and Harry was unable to sit still. This time around, he can manage it.

Sunday 1 July 2007

Buddy Application

In September, the new Year 3's get a Buddy from Year 6 to show them round. Here is Harry's application - he did this with virtually no help. A good sign he is able to transfer his thoughts to paper better. I love the last section!