Monday 9 July 2007

Feedback from School

Last week I emailed the school Senco thanking her for all the help she has given Harry during this year. I received her reply today:

I've seen a huge difference in Harry too. He is more sociable, plays well with the other children in the playground and his coordination is greatly improved. He is also more enthusiastic about his work and willing to try things. Good news for next year lets hope.

It is good to hear that the progress I have seen at home is also having a positive effect at school too.


Anonymous said...

It is really good that the school are also noticing the changes too and wrote to tell you so. It makes all the difference because their schoolong is the main reason you took him to Dore.
Wait unitl after the summer break and it all starts to finally come together!!! Well done Harry. Ellie XXX

Math's Mam said...

It's coming together now I look forward to the next assess, -no swinging on those bars!!