Monday 26 May 2008

Dore Collapse

Following the Dore collapse in Australia last week, we heard on Friday afternoon that Dore UK are also in administration. I am so shocked by this news and can't quite comprehend it. We are luckier than some, in that we are nearly at the end of the programme, but I still feel we have a way to go.

Hopefully we will hear more about the situation next week, but for now we are told to carry on with the exercises and then repeat the book until we hear further.

As we had an assessment booked for 2nd June, I'm hoping to hear something soon as to where we go from here.

The Dore Programme has been life-changing for us personally. The Dore staff have been wonderful and I am sad for the way it all ended. Special thanks to Sarah, Richard and Kevin at our Bromley Centre.

The future of our SEN children is once again left in the hands of the educationalist, pushing them to do things that they are not yet capable of doing, seeing them as naughty, lazy or stupid when in fact all they need is a few simple exercises twice a day that can bring them on.

Our "Mum's Army" will not stop fighting and we will be raising an e-petition to raise awareness of this wonderful Programme.


CJ said...


I am a Mum to 3 children, 2 of whom are going through the Dore programme. Our next appt was scheduled for 17th June. For my Son this was to be his last appt having just finished the wind down phase and my daughter is nearing the end. For both children we have witnessed huge changes that are I am sure, due to Dore. I feel that I am grieving with the news about Dore, even though at times its is a pain to get the kids to do the exercises. My Son got English SATS 2 levels higher than expected last year and despite the criticism some people levy at Dore and the lack of scientific base I live by faith and have faith in Dore. We too were at the Bromley Centre and have huge praise for all staff but in particular for Sarah, who always made the effort to get in early so that 2 assessments could be done at the same time. In fact it was only on Monday 19th May that Sarah took the time to phone to see how Rachel was getting on. I firmly believe that if the Government can bail out Northern Rock then they should bail out Dore and restructure it so it is a viable business model within the confines of the LEA.

Bugalug said...

CJ, thanks for your comments. I totally agree with your sentiments about the Government. Sarah is wonderful and we used to have our appointments at 8am with her. She was always very patient with Harry, even when he was jumping around and being a pain :) We will miss her a lot.