Friday 15 February 2008

Parents Evening

I was quite disappointed with Parents Evening. I can see Harry has come a long way and made huge gains, particularly with his spellings, reading and maths. He is now beginning to retain information and learn. What we have to do now is catch-up, so I will continue to work hard with him at home.

His current teacher did not know him last year and does not realise the gains he has made.
I actually got out his test results out and compared from Yr 3 - Yr 5. The improvement is amazing.

By the end of Year 6, Harry will be learning on a par with his peers, I'm sure of it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally empathize with you on all of this. My daughter has been in Dore for a bit ( 3 weeks ) over a year and the gains are tremendous( although we see only a bit at a time). We were fortunate enough to put her in a intensive tutoring/ learning program recently to help with the catch up. In many areas she has passed some of her average peers, yet we still see the work that is ahead. This is something the teachers don't see or just believe that is the way it is for the individual child. She too has made a incredible growth with her memory and retention of facts and concepts. I am glad to see another parent that has similar gains.