Wednesday 12 December 2007

Handwriting and School

Went in to school today for a meeting with the School Senco to get Harry going with the handwriting programme. Here is a sample of his work from today (the 1st word was written for him). I have also attached the 3 Rules. We noticed he has a tendency to rush, but when he slows down, he has lovely writing. He has also got in the habit of flicking at the end of letters.

He starts off by tracing the letters with his finger and then tracing a big letter with a highlighting pen, then gradually getting smaller, using first a pen and finally a pencil.

He also got his Neoboard and seems very pleased with it. He will start using it tomorrow as his teacher isn't aware he's got one yet.

We also discussed Dore and agreed Harry is a changed child from this time last year!

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