Tuesday 16 October 2007

Parents Evening

Just got back from the Parents evening. At the end of last term, it was agreed that Harry would try Maths within the classroom this year, but he is finding the fast pace hard, although he understands the basics. I have agreed Harry will return to Maths support after half-term, which I am happy with. I have talked to him, and although he doesn't like the small group learning, agrees that he is finding it hard to keep up. His teacher explained it isn't "set in stone" and if it doesn't work out, he can return to the class.

General comments on his IEP are that he has matured over the last term, appears happy, has lots of friends and is generally more confident. He is reading well, his handwriting has improved a little, but he needs help with spelling and punctuation and to proof-read his work. She mentioned he is very good at his times tables (mentals??!!) and that he has lots of ideas, and is keen to write them down - "lots of ideas" - wow!

A good start to Year 6 ....

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