Wednesday 6 June 2007

Third Follow-up

Well, I have noticed in the past week that Harry is finding it extremely hard to balance. We recently had "Standing and moving on the spot" where you put one foot in front of the other, and Harry has found this very hard.

Today we had our third follow-up and Harry constantly kept wobbling and falling off the Posturegraph machine. The Consultant thinks Harry's going through some more re-wiring, and did say it is still early days, but he has made a note for next time to fully explain what Harry needs to do before he gets on the machine. He had several tries and the Consultant thinks he can do it, but Harry may be tensing up making it worse. COG Alignment looks better - more crosses in the box!

Here are his results from last time:

2nd Follow-up (23rd April)
1. 85 (red) /
Somatosensory 96 green
2. 82 (red) but spread was into the green / Visual 62 Red
4. 53 (red) but spread was into the green / Vestibular 35 Red
5. 30 (red) / Composite 52 Red

Anyway, the new exercises are slightly harder, but a lot of repeats again. They will review the exercises next time to see if Harry is managing. If there is more regression, they will step back a level.

On a more positive note, Harry is now working in a new small group for Literacy.

She did have Harry down for her group for numeracy and literacy, but his current LSA said that he had improved so much in numeracy that he was ok in class.

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